Desierto norte de Chile

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swine flu and Duke football

Today's headline on the online News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) website: Swine Flu Hits Duke Football. The article went on to say that about 1/2 of Duke's 99 team members have been treated for swine flu symptoms. While mildly amusing, given my bred animosity for anything Duke, I am curious how other teams might deal with a similar outbreak, particularly leading up to a big game. I guess it's just one of those things everyone will have to deal with - although I hope the pressure to play and win will not supercede the need to take it easy with rest & fluids. As for myself, I am pretty confident I will get the swine flu, and what's more, I think I'm viewing it like the chicken pox: just get it so I can get over it. With our 4,400 students at USNA living in such tight quarters, and with various reports of mini-outbreaks, like the Duke football team, the plebes at the Air Force Academy, and hundreds of summer camp disruptions, it's almost certain that the H1N1 virus will visit our campus this fall.


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