Desierto norte de Chile

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What was *your* grandmother doing 33 yrs 5 months ago?

Tonight I was reminded of what my grandma, my mom's mother, was doing 33 years and 5 months ago, on Feb. 9, 1977: she was opening a newly-received package from the Wear-Ever Aluminum Company, Inc. of Chillicothe, OH. And tonight, my roommate and I took advantage of her timely purchase, namely to replace the handle on one of my favorite pots, one that she had the foresight to order replacement parts for all those years ago. Whoever says that new is better obviously hasn't used anything from Wear-Ever, because while I don't know how much my grandma used that pot, I know I've used it a ton in the 9 years I've owned it. Here are some pics; thanks, MeMa, for ordering replacement handles for your pots (and for keeping them with the pots so they could be handed down to me), and also thanks for the trip down memory lane!


At 11:24 PM, August 22, 2010, Blogger Steph said...

Grandmothers rock!


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