Desierto norte de Chile

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's day

How did YOU celebrate Valentine's?

After dark today (you know the good stuff only happens after dark!), I:

- went for an envigorating walk down holder's hill & back
- had a nice tuna salad sandwich & banana
- phoned my parents (about getting a new pin # for my debit card)
- read a few online articles
- did my federal taxes (i owe $126)
- did part of my state taxes (i should get about $100 refund)
- wrote up 3 blog posts
- crashed around 1:30 (estimate)

Not bad for a holiday I've never celebrated! And btw, can we call valentine's day a holiday? If you're in a great relationship with someone, do you really need a day set aside by Hallmark to remind you that you should tell that person you love them? Shouldn't that be coming automatically? In that spirit, I've decided E-cards are defintely the way to go :) You can be creative and fun - and it's all free!


At 2:28 PM, February 25, 2006, Blogger Bethany said...

its about time for an update...

At 3:05 PM, March 10, 2006, Blogger lizard said...

I had a good phone conversation with you-know-who up in New York. Part of that conversation involved me bemoaning the approximately 5000 emails I'd received in the last week from I think I like Valentine's Day less now that I'm "taken" than I did before.


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