Desierto norte de Chile

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The evangelical church

Here is a quote I came across this morning while reading an excerpt from Urbana 1961, the tri-annual missions conference supported by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. What a strong diagnosis!

Why was the evangelical church in Europe so weak in the past, so that at present it seems to be largely destroyed? Because it played around with nationalism, uncrucified nationalism. It marched with the political right; it marched with Hitler. That's why in Germany today there is no strong evangelical voice, except in the Evangelische Gemeinschaft, the confessional churches, which were the churches that finally stood up to Hitler and denied their German nationalism.

Are we at the same point today in America, where evangelicals have discarded the yoke of Christ and proudly embraced the yoke of Bush? There are obvious differences between Bush and Hitler, and I am not going to be so bold as to draw any conclusions. But is the spirit of "Americanism" overpowering and silencing the spirit of God? I think the post-millennial evangelical church in America today would do well to heed Dr. Arthur Glasser's warning. As Jesus said, "give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." Any comments?


At 9:53 AM, February 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. I cringe when I think of how powerful people often define what others think of my faith.

At 3:34 AM, February 11, 2006, Blogger Saintly Nurse said...

Agree with both of you. My allegiance is not to anyone except Christ. It's kind of scary to think that a lot of people assume that because I'm a Christian and Bush says he is, that I agree with everything he says/does. Thanks for finding that quote.


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