Desierto norte de Chile

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pillows in the bathroom

The more time I spend in Barbados, the more I realize that I still have a lot of adjusting to do: public transportation (I go for the front-passenger seat whenever open so my knees arent squished in the back of the vans), heat and humidity (I've given up worrying about sweating, but compensate now with 2 showers/day [its amazing how refreshed you feel crawling into bed after a cold shower!]), sketchy internet (sorry to everyone I've skyped who only heard 3 of every 10 words), etc. But probably the most noticeable adjustment has been in my sleep-wake schedule. Before Xinan, I was an early riser. When he moved in, we ended up having some great conversations - but they always seemed to occur post-midnight. So I scrapped being an early riser. Here, the heat is draining, so I've found that I need at least 8, and nearly 9, hours per night to recover from the previous day. There's no problem with getting 9 hours of sleep, except that my morning runs must take place before 6 a.m. (to avoid the traffic and the sun). The past 4 days I've stayed up late watching TV and surfing the web (I really like reading the NY Times on-line now; you should give it a try!), and subsequently, my a.m. run has not happened. But, perhaps because I overestimate my will-power, I still set the alarm for 5:30 a.m. Last night, at 12:42 a.m., I remember thinking: oh yeah, 5 hrs, I'll be fine. Today at 8 a.m., after hitting the every-five-minute snooze [that is INCREDIBLY annoying...why can't it be 10 mins?] and finally turning it off about 6:30, I groaned and realized I was still 1+ hr short of sleep, hadnt been on my run, and ... my pillow was missing.

Now some of you don't sleep with pillows, and that is fine. Some of you have more pillows than you can count, in all shapes and sizes, and perhaps you burrow under them for a hibernation-like experience, and that is fine, too. But I sleep with one pillow. I have a double bed, so it has 2 pillows, but I like to sleep in a "full embrace" of my pillow, and the other one inevitably gets in the way, so off onto the floor it goes. This morning, though, I awoke to realize I didn't have a pillow. I looked around on the floor - and found the "spare" - and figured the other was just evading my eyesight. I dozed for 10 more minutes, and decided it was 8:10 so I should get on up. After eating breakfast, I wandered into the bathroom, only to find - to my great surprise - my pillow! I literally laughed out loud, and pondered "how did THAT get here?", only to realize that at some unknown point in the night, I must have stumbled out of bed and put it there. Strange, indeed! Don't get any wild home decor ideas, though; pillows really are best left out of the bathroom!


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