Desierto norte de Chile

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Oklahoma winter chill

Ugh. After a brief flirt with 72F (22 C), Oklahoma has plunged back into winter's icy grip. Biking, walking, jogging, heck even sleeping (with not-so-efficient [i.e., drafty] windows) are all made more difficult when the temp doesn't get much above freezing for over a week. The map at left is the morning wind chills during my jog. 4F isn't exactly balmy (18F temp + 15 mph wind = 4F wind chill). Ugh.


At 11:29 AM, February 15, 2007, Blogger Zach Barnes said...

yikes!! sick nasty. it's been quite nice here lately. about 6 degrees was today, but fortunately i live on the Celsius scale. It's been an amazingly warm winter. It's great.


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