Desierto norte de Chile

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

¡Oklahoma, graduacion, familia, y amigos!

I went back to Norman on May 3rd to celebrate completing my ph.d. I was able to spend 9 full days with good friends, some Texas thunderstorms (even visiting Lubbock, TX for the first time. Celia was right... it does kinda have a weird smell!), two graduation ceremonies, lots of excellent food, and quality time with my family. Because my visit spanned 2 weekends, I was able to attend Wildwood twice (woohoo!) and play ultimate frisbee twice (and toss the disc a third time) with the "Frisbee Friday" guys as well as others.
It was a great trip and reminded me of all the blessings and fond memories I have in Norman. Hard to believe that I moved into 502 S. University Blvd. ("Campus Station apartments") nearly seven years ago, and that I would leave nearly seven years later with dozens of good friends from around the world and a heap of amazing & cherished memories. I'm praying for similar connections here in Santiago!

Now for the promised photos... The captions are ABOVE the photo. Enjoy!

AA Flight from DFW to OKC. Almost there!

Crossing the Red River... now in Oklahoma!

OKC Will Rogers World Airport. AA gates are at the end of the terminal (#4 and #6).

Yes. Love it. Ultimate frisbee, great weather (sun, not too hot, and NO WIND!). Team waiting for the pull.

Team waiting to give the pull.

Disc UP!

... and into the trees.

What a great group!


Multicell storm going up just S of LBB.

Another view of the multicell storm near LBB.

James showing off the severe hail.

Hail (granizo) next to Chilean money (100 pesos chilenos = $0.25 USD)

I'd like to buy those please!

Grad student friends at Chili's.

More good grad student friends!

Danny and Kenny next to the DOW probe scout vehicle.

DOW tornado probes.

The Chili's gang, post-food.

Mom & Dad at the National Weather Center building!

Me, mom & dad at the wx center building in Norman.

Outside the School of Meteorology main office -- 5900 in NWC building.

Getting in the lineup Friday night for the main ceremony.

Ready! (Now, where's Lance?!)

Dad and I showing off our better sides :)

The main ceremony begins.

Ready to go!

President Boren, of the University of Oklahoma, introduces the keynote speaker.


Dr. Barrett!
Kenah and I.

Jeab, Yi-fang, and I.

Mmmm, great way to celebrate!

We're here!

Such tasty breakfast food!

See what I mean?

Full and sleepy!

Dad and I outside The Mont. Before the School of Meteorology moved to the National Weather Center building, we walked down to the Mont probably at least once a month. That and Pepe Delgados, on Asp Ave. Mmmm.

Mom and I outside The Mont.

Ready for round 2 of graduations... this time, the College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences.

Mom and I, both ready to celebrate!

Mom, dad, and I.

Again, showing off my better side with the colors!

Group shot, pre-graduation!

The setup for the College ceremony.

Faculty, looking either regal or bored (I think bored... but the ceremony really didn't last too long).

Ready to go!

Andy and me outside the ceremony.

Gabe and I at the reception hall.

Kim and I celebrating years of accomplishment!

Wildwood Church worship, Sunday May 11, 2008.

La biblia, en dos idiomas. :)

Pastor Bruce Hess, continuing his series in Thessalonians. When I left Norman in November of 2007, his sermon on my final Sunday in Norman introduced the series in Thessalonians.

Our church's main sanctuary (or "The Worship Center").

A colorful greeting.

My host for all 9 days. THANKS, DAN, FOR YOUR HOSPITALITY -- your food, water, couch, and bike! And for your friendship!

On the way back to DFW.

My last meal in the USA. Texas Bar-b-que & slaw from Terminal D in DFW.

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