Wow. Yesterday, June 3rd, marked my six-month anniversary in Santiago. And what an amazing time it has been! It's only fitting to respond with a list:
1. Spanish and me are getting better acquainted. While I still struggle mightily in conversations, I enjoy the challenge - and hope (!) I am improving.
2. Living mountain-side is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. The views are spectacular (and always changing, depending on the air quality). God's creation is indeed majestic and beautiful.
The view from my apartment balcony this morning.

3. I am learning to be content in all things. Tonight I went for a walk in the rain and enjoyed a quality time of thinking, praying, and singing (probably was a bit weird for the locals ... it's not every day you pass a gringo on the streets worshiping in english). I have this really strong desire to be involved in the lives of students, as an encourager, a partner in their dreams. And I realized what a blessing it is to be unsatisfied with going to work, returning to my apartment to prepare dinner, watching tv, going to sleep, and doing it all again tomorrow. I feel like it's a huge step of faith for me to be content with this dissatisfaction while waiting for opportunities to develop. It's not like I have many options (see #1 above). Fortunately I do have some fledgling relationships with several students, and I am waiting and praying and dreaming of sharing life and our Lord with them!
4. Music. I don't often listen to music, but I do like a good jam-session. Like right now, I'm going through a wide variety and enjoying it thoroughly: Caedmon's call, Juanes, Ricky Martin, Enter the Worship Circle, Match & Daddy, Tyler Hilton, Roy Orbison, etc.
5. Verses that summarize. In our GBU group, we are studying Ephesians this semester. It's been a bit hard because all the studies are in spanish, but these verses really stuck out to me last Wednesay as great summaries of the past few weeks.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanks, God, that your son Jesus came to earth, died, rose again, and offers the greatest hope that has ever been! Wow.
6. Here's to six more amazing, yes hard, but real months in Chile!
Some of my university friends, after playing football & eating choripan!